Hypermobility - woman showing her bent arm

Hypermobility Program in Bethesda

Ehlers Danlos Society Certified

Bethesda Physiocare®

All of our Bethesda Physiocare® therapists are experienced in treating patients with various connective tissue and hypermobility disorders. Bethesda Physiocare is recognized as one of few centers in the world as part of the EDS Centers & Networks of Excellence Program. While each patient requires an individualized and often interdisciplinary approach to their treatment, the ultimate goal of physical therapy is to manage pain and “replace length with strength.” This starts with local joint stability, phases to whole-body stability, and ends with progressive strength and endurance training.

To learn more about our hypermobility programs in Bethesda, call (301) 656-5613 to schedule an appointment.

Patients who can maximize fitness and replace length with strength are more often resilient and less injury-prone. It can be tempting to stretch because of a perception of tightness when it actually puts more stress on the joint capsule and ligaments without aiding the underlying cause of the muscle tightness. The key to training is to find a safe place to start and gradually progress from, starting in shortened ranges of motion and moving closer to end ranges as the patient’s strength improves.  

Additionally, our physical therapists recommend beginning with global movements, closed chain, and proprioceptive exercises before adding higher amounts of external weights. Building these connections and underlying strength becomes the “glue” to stabilize joints during rehabilitation. At Bethesda Physiocare®, we approach this goal by specializing in externally-focused exercise, including exergaming, Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome treatment, and evidence-based therapy to achieve quicker improvements in motor control and strength.

Get the life that you deserve by calling our physical therapy clinic in Bethesda at (301) 656-5613.