Exercising with POTS: Finding the Right Balance

Do you or someone you know suffer from postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS)? Bethesda Physiocare specializes in the treatment and management of POTS through exercise.  We do this uniquely by blending traditionally established protocols (such as CHOP and Children’s National) with innovative technology and exergaming.  Did you know that the right exercise and physical therapy […]

OxeFit: Bethesda Physiocare

OxeFit is a smart gym and training system that uses real-time feedback and deep learning analysis to provide personalized workout guidance for individuals seeking to improve their fitness performance. This type of technology can be particularly valuable for various settings, rehabilitation centers, and sports training facilities. The system offers strength exercise, cardio, gaming, and Pilate’s […]

Understanding CRPS

Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS) is a challenging and often debilitating condition that affects the limbs, typically after an injury or surgery. Managing CRPS requires a comprehensive approach that encompasses both medical and physical therapy interventions. In this blog, we’ll explore the most up-to-date evidence-based treatments for CRPS and how physical therapy can play a […]

Understanding Chronic Pain: A Guide for Patients Exploring Physical Therapy

Chronic pain is a complex and challenging condition that affects millions of people worldwide. It’s characterized by persistent discomfort that can significantly impact one’s quality of life. While the causes of chronic pain are diverse, recent advancements in physical therapy have provided fresh insights into its treatment. We’ll explore some of the most up-to-date, evidence-based […]

Hip Mobility and Strengthening to Avoid Patellofemoral Knee Pain in Athletes

Knee injuries are among the most common sports-related injuries exhibited by athletes worldwide. While the most severe injuries include damage to cartilage and ligaments such as the ACL (anterior cruciate ligament), MCL (medial collateral ligament), and meniscus, a more common injury known as patellofemoral pain has been known to cause extreme frustration in athletes. This […]

Understanding Men’s Pelvic Health & Physical Therapy

Men’s health physical therapy (PT) focuses on addressing the specific needs and conditions that affect men’s well-being and functionality. Men may encounter various health issues and conditions throughout their lives that require physical therapy intervention. At Bethesda Physiocare, we know the important role physical therapy plays in men’s health. Contact us online or call (301) […]

Customized Care: The Importance of Individualized Physical Therapy Plans

When it comes to physical therapy, one size does not fit all. Every individual has their own set of needs, goals, and challenges. That’s why working with a reputable physical therapy clinic for personalized care is crucial to achieving the best possible results when recovering from injury.  Our team of expert physical therapists at Bethesda […]

The Proteus Motion: How it Can Benefit You

Bethesda Physiocare is excited to announce that we will soon be adding the Proteus Motion to our gym!  The Proteus Motion has become popular among athletes of rotational sports such as golf, baseball, and hockey, allowing for versatility to make an immense difference in performance. This system is being utilized at the highest levels of […]